Built on Research. Driven by Music. Made for Community.

For Youth


Music, Connection and Mental Wellness for Youth

The Awesome Music Hour

The Awesome Music Hour is more than just a workshop—it’s a space where youth can express themselves, build confidence, and find connection through music, storytelling, and creativity. Designed to be inclusive and adaptable, the program meets young people where they are, drawing on their experiences and voices to shape each session. Whether through rhythm, storytelling, or movement, listening to various music and songs, participants explore how music can help them process emotions, share their stories, and build resilience. It also helps youth learn how music can support their mental wellness. It helps connect them to other resources and services, ensuring they have access to the support they need.

With your support, we can bring this life-changing program to more communities, giving young people the tools to navigate life’s challenges with creativity, confidence, and connection.


In Memory of Frankie Commisso

The Awesome Music Hour was inspired by and is generously supported by the Commisso Family in honor of their son Frankie, a talented young musician who passed away in June 2021.

Frankie believed in the power of music to heal, connect, and bring people together. The Awesome Music Hour carries forward his legacy, ensuring that his love for music continues to inspire, support, and make a difference in the lives of others.



Soundtrack for Student Wellness

Music isn’t just entertainment—it’s a powerful tool for mental well-being.

In this 45-60 minute session, we’ll explore how music can help students process emotions, reduce stress, and connect with others in meaningful ways.

Through music, stories, interactive activities, and science-backed insights, we will help your students discover how to use music intentionally to boost their mood, build confidence, and navigate life’s ups and downs. Whether creating a personal playlist, finding your voice through storytelling, or using music to refocus, your students will walk away with simple, practical ways to make music part of your wellness journey.